Historic context, Mixed use
Typology: Mixed use
Status: Feasibility
Location: Southwark, London
Client: Private
Year: 2016

The massing of the proposed building has been developed to respond to the complex surroundings: a terrace of 4 storey existing building at Nos. 352,354 and 356 the rear of Saint Georges Methodist Church and the Cobourg Road terrace to the south and Burgess Park to the west. The proposed scheme has been outlined with the intention to minimize loss of daylight to the neighbouring buildings.

The development on the main body of the site is articulated at the upper levels to ensure that it respects the site and massing of the surrounding buildings. The height and massing is appropriate for the site and will sit harmoniously within the local context. The massing has been careful developed to respond to the constraints of the site while also a creating a prominent new development that enhances the streetscape and rhythm of Cobourg Road.

It is intended that the proposed building acts as a ‘bookend’ to the terraced row, defining the end of the urban block and addressing the public realm to the east of the site. The change of scale to the building situated at the end of a row is something that is also seen to the west of Old Kent Road at both Trafalgar Avenue and the new development on the corner of Coopers road.

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